Why My Husband Is Not Interested In Me | Paul Friedman

Why My Husband Is Not Interested In Me | Paul Friedman

Does your husband is not interested in you? Watch Paul discuss this scenario and for you to find out what something wrong with your marriage. The principles that I discovered are more than worth sharing and they're not redundant. They're not the same principles that you find in most of society. In fact, I think of what I have as teachings. They're not my teachings because they're based on universal principles but they make sense. They're all common sense and it's just that we're not exposed to them. But I can help you with these and that's why I founded The Marriage Foundation. It's non-profit so that you can get the kind of help that you deserve to have. So I don't know your husband, I don't know you but I can tell you this that the fact that he's not showing interest in you is just the symptoms of what's really happening. Think about it. If you had a plant and you noticed that the leaves were starting to curl up or that the blooms were not coming out the way they're supposed to. You wouldn't fix the leaf. You wouldn't fix the bloom. You would say there's something wrong with the plant, am I overwatering it? Am I underwatering it? Is it being attacked by some bug? Is the strength of the plant compromised for some reason? It's the same way in marriage. Now it's good for business, for therapists when you come in with a problem like this and then they could go, "Well, let's talk about it." Well, I don't want to talk about it not specifically. I want to make a suggestion to you that I think you'll find as obvious as it is to me. And that suggestion is there's something wrong with the plant. There's something wrong with the marriage. There's something wrong with your relationship with your husband and that's what's causing the problem. When you get married, there's an expectation whether it's spoken or not, and that expectation is that you're going to be happier. You get married in order to be happy. You get married in order to experience unconditional love. Those are the two bottom-line reasons for marriage, aren't they? To be happier and to experience love. isn't that what you signed up for even though you may have not said so? Because in our society, they don't talk about those things but that's what it's all about. If he's not interested in you then you got to follow back to what's going on, what's not happening, what is happening in our marriage that would cause him to disconnect from you to the point of where he's not even interested in you because that's not good. Hopefully, this symptom is not indicative of the end of your marriage coming but it may be only you will know how long has this been going on, and what are you doing to change things. What are you doing to change the very dynamics of your marriage? Now I'll tell you the number one killer of all marriages is over-familiarity which means you've got to know each other to the point of where you start disrespecting each other. You're not consciously aware of each other's feelings and it goes for you too not just him. You fight with each other. You allow yourself to fight. You allow yourself to be rude. You allow yourself to be reactive. These are signs of over-familiarity. Now, you have a context for this when you were first dating and he said something that you didn't like. What did you do? You didn't fight. You probably just smiled and tucked it away or brushed it off but then you got to know each other and your expectations of being treated well increased but you were not aware of for, to me obvious reasons, of the fact that he too had needs for respect and consideration. And the slips that each of you made with each other kept lowering the standard of communication, kept lowering the standard of connection. And pretty soon, you guys were not even married anymore based on the criteria of marriage which is to be mutually supportive, loyal, loving, and all of the opposite things of over-familiarity. You were no longer considerate of one another and this is at the root. Now you may say, "Well, he's not interested in me. Every time, I bring something up it turns into a fight." Well, let me tell you about fights. Fights don't occur with only one person starting it. It takes the other person to react as well. What's really going on here, and this is the good news, is that this is a wake-up call for you. Now it's up to you what you do with it. I can tell you from my own experience. I've been at this for a long time. The information isn't out there. I have it and I don't mean to be arrogant about this but I have it and others don't. There may be some who do but I haven't come across them. Most of them, most of the solutions for marriages are either very shallow. They only discuss behavior or they're completely off base and doesn't work. Watch the video for more. #marriageproblems #marriagecompatibility #communication #marriagewithoutdivorce #frustratedwoman #unhappywife