Waking up at 5 am changed my life.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been a evening person, I’d wake up late, start work late and then go to bed late. It’s left me in a rut, and I decided this week I needed a change. So I decided that I would do a 5am morning routine for one week to see what would happen, to see if I could become a morning person, in a routine similar to the Andrew Huberman routine, I woke up at 5am everyday. This a motivational video to test out my own personal discipline. In this video I discuss what time is best to wake up, the science behind early mornings, the best morning routine, if 5am will change your life. This video will help tackle time management, through productivity hacks and personal growth, almost as well as David Goggins shouting at you on tiktok to get up. Hopefully this video can offer you a potential lifestyle change and give you that energy boost that I certainly needed. So join me as I fight procrastination through personal development and a little bit of psychology with this new 5am routine all in the name of self improvement I hope you enjoy the video it was a lot of fun to make! Let me know what else you want to see, if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below or send me a dm. and as always have a lovely day :) James