MGOC Bhilai -14th May 2023 - 4th Sunday After New Sunday - Celebrant His Grace Alexios Mar Eusebius
#vishudhaqurbana #vishudhaqurbanamalayalam #HolyQurbana #JesusChrist #morningprayer #Cathedral #lovedonesinspirit #malayalamqurbana #faithfulBelieversofchurch #jesuschristministries #jesusappearstodiciples #SeasonOfResurrection #SeasonofKymtha #heavenlygospel #FifthSundayAfterEaster #FourthSundayAfterNewSunday #RessurrectionOfJesuschrist #thirumeniqurbana #പുതിയഞായറാഴ്ചയ്ക്കുശേഷംനാലാമത്തെഞായറാഴ്ച #PuthiyaNjaayaraazchaKazhinjuNaalaamatheNjaayaraazcha #hevenlyfather #holymass #HolyCross #Staysafe #StayHome #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #Almightygod #MGOC #MOSC #MalankaraNazrani #CalcuttaDiocese #MalankaraOrthodoxSyrianChurch #Cathedral #OKRDiaspora #vishudhaqurbanamalayalam #orientalorthodox #indianorthodoxchurch #mgocathderalbhilai #okrdiaspora #jesuswithdicipleshealingpeoples #GodsworkdoneinGods #waywillneverlackGodssupplies #mosc #foundationStone #layingceremony #invitation #newparsanageandsocietyoffice MGO Cathedral Bhilai Holy Qurbana, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Liturgical events live stream from Mar Gregorios Orthodox Cathedral, Industrial Area, ACC Jamul, Bhilai & Mar Gregorios Memorial Chapel Sec-6, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, IN Holy Qurbana Schedule : Sunday 7:00 AM (Morning Prayer) 7:50 AM (Holy Qurbana) Summer Season Sunday 7:30 AM (Morning Prayer) 8:20 AM (Holy Qurbana) Winter Season Week Days 6:30 AM (Morning Prayer) 7:00 AM (Holy Qurbana) Week Days Evening 6:10 PM (Evening Prayer) 7:00 PM (Holy Qurbana) Date: 14th May 2023 Sunday Venue: Mar Gregorios Orthodox Cathedral, Industrial Area, ACC Jamul, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, IN Celebrant - His Grace Alexios Mar Eusebius Assisted by - Rev. Fr. Jacob Thomas Assisted by - Rev. Fr. M. P. Kurian Assisted by - Rev. Fr. Shinu Cherian Assisted by - MGOC Altar Assistants Assisted by - MGOC Choir Assisted by - MGOC Parish Members Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: / @mgocbhilai Follow Us on Facebook: / bhilaimgocathedral ©Mar Gregorios Orthodox Cathedral Bhilai Media Wing (MGOCBMW)