Second Sunday after the Epiphany • January 19, 2025
Welcome to worship with First UMC Santa Monica! We count it a blessing that you are joining us today. To find out more about this community of faith, go to: https://santamonicaumc.org/order Order of Worship: https://santamonicaumc.org/wp-content... Let's Connect / New Visitor Sign In: https://santamonicaumc.org/new-visito... Prayer Requests: https://santamonicaumc.org/prayer-req... Thank you for participating online! Consider a donation to keep this feature in place: https://santamonicaumc.org/give Hymns Used by Permission: CCLI Streaming License: 4034411 ------------------- Welcome Tricia Guerrero, Pastoral Associate Prelude Be Thou My Vision (arr. Gordon Young) Ty Woodward, organ *Processional Hymn #103 United Methodist Hymnal – Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise *Call To Worship Bill Buxton, Lay Lector (based on Psalm 36) No matter how far we wander from you, O God, your steadfast love finds us. No matter how unjust the world seems to us, O God, your steadfast righteousness sustains us. No matter how vulnerable our lives seem to us, O God, your steadfast presence gives us hope. No matter how unloved and uncared for we feel, O God, you hear our cries and answer our prayers. Thanks be to God! *Choral Act of Praise “Hope in the Lord, O my soul, for I will praise Him who is the health of my countenance, and my gracious Lord and God.” *Sharing the Peace of Christ Bill Buxton CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Jamie Jones, Family Ministries Coordinator #2233 The Faith We Sing— Where Children Belong This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s word, bread and cup, prayer and song: This is where children belong. As the congregation sings, all children are invited to come forward. I Am a Child of God I am a child of God; You are God’s child, it’s true. Children of God are called to love one another, as Jesus taught to do. Our Mission & Common Life Tricia Guerrero We give thanks for God’s Creating Spirit that continues to give us life and lead us forward! Thanks be to God! HYMN #408 UMH — The Gift of Love SILENT PRAYER AND PASTORAL PRAYER Rev. Keri Olsen Paget, Deacon Associate THE LORD’S PRAYER Choral Response The Gospel John 2:1-11 Bill Buxton The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God! Sermon “Water, Wine and Weddings” Rev. Greg Batson, Senior Minister We Offer Our Gifts & Ourselves Rev. Olsen Paget Offertory The Chancel Choir/Dr. James Smith, Music Director Ride On King Jesus (Traditional Spiritual, arr. Howard Helvey) *RESPONSE #94 UMH — The Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! *UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION Rev. Olsen Paget Generous God, who turns water into wine and scarcity into abundance, we offer our gifts to you with grateful hearts. May these offerings be transformed, just as you transform our lives with your grace. Guide us to use these resources to meet the needs we see around us, to share your love, and to build your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. *Hymn #553 UMH — And Are We Yet Alive (verses 1-4) *Benediction Rev. Batson *BENEDICTION RESPONSE Postlude Trumpet Voluntary in D (Jeremiah Clarke) Ty Woodward