सबसे आसान तरीका चिकन बिरयानी बनाने का | One Pot Chicken Biryani Recipe | Best Chicken Biryani recipe

सबसे आसान तरीका चिकन बिरयानी बनाने का | One Pot Chicken Biryani Recipe | Best Chicken Biryani recipe

Chicken Biryani Recipe in Hindi | वन पॉट चिकन बिरयानी | Best Chicken Biryani ----------------------------------------- Whichever part of India you are, there is an amazing biryani recipe waiting to be enjoyed! Here is the step-by-step method of a mouth-watering biryani recipe which you must try at home. Chicken Dum Biryani Recipe is one of the best ways to make biryani and mind you, it is full of very distinct flavors. The most important of which comes from the very many spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves that are added to it. These spices give the biryani a tempting aroma that can be smelt from meters away. One of the major aspects of cooking biryani is that meat should be marinated well. The more you will marinate the meat, the more tender, juicy and soft to eat. The biryani is everything that royalty is made of! It makes for a wonderful dish whenever you feel like showing off your cooking skills. The rice is nicely cooked separately from the chicken. Once the masala and chicken are prepared. The rice is added to the chicken to form beautiful alternate layers of chicken and rice. Chicken Dum Biryani is best served with some raita and salad or Mirchi Ka Salan .................... हैदराबादी चिकन दम बिरयानी रेसिपी! How to make Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani in Hindi by cook with manisha :)Biryani is not just a dish; it is a phenomenon that does not happen every other day! It is such a versatile dish that various kinds of biryanis can be prepared using different vegetables and meats. .......,...................................... हैदराबादी चिकन बिरयानी एक नॉन वेजिटेरियन राइस डिश है. इसकी खासियत यही है कि इसे धीमी आंच पर पकाया जाता है. इसके बाद चिकन, मसालों और चावल का जो स्वाद मिलता है वो लाजवाब होता है.अगर आप हैदराबाद में नहीं रहते है और हैदराबाद के बिरयानी को मिस कर रहे है तो अब ज्यादा मिस करना छोड़िये और घर पे बनाये हैदराबाद जैसी चिकन दम बिरयानी :) #chickenbiryanirecipe #chickenbiryani #biryani #biryanirecipe #biryani #SimpleDumBiryani ------------------------------- Chicken biryani recipe in hindi, chicken biryani near me, 2 kg chicken biryani ingredients, Hyderabadi chicken biryani recipe, authentic chicken biryani recipe,