A Morning Prayer Before You Start Your Day - God, Lead Me Closer to You and Deeper Into Your faith

A Morning Prayer Before You Start Your Day - God, Lead Me Closer to You and Deeper Into Your faith

A Morning Prayer Before You Start Your Day - God, Lead Me Closer to You and Deeper Into Your Love faith Stop Worrying & Being Afraid, God Is Fighting For You | Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day Welcome to Be Blessed. This channel is dedicated to daily Christian prayers, motivation, and inspiration. Our mission is to provide you with enriching, faith-based content to inspire, educate and uplift your spirit every day. Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational, daily devotional prayer ‪@beblessed77‬ Your Queries:- morning prayer before you start your day morning prayer morning prayer catholic short morning prayer catholic morning prayer short morning prayer before you start your day cindy trimm morning prayer morning prayer before you start your day with god morning prayers to start your day grace for purpose morning prayer morning prayer to start the day grace for purpose morning prayer today morning prayer starting the day with god prayer before you start your day catholic morning prayers for today prayer to start your day morning catholic prayers for today prayer to start your day with god morning catholic prayer morning prayer for all catholic to pray morning prayers morning prayers catholic 3am to 5am prayer prayer before class starts grace for purpose cindy trimm warfare prayer be blessed 3 am morning prayers 3am prayer prayer for family protection dr cindy trimm cindy trimm healing prayer dr cindy trimm healing prayer daily jesus devotional today family protection prayer cindy trimm prayers daily prayer for the day catholic prayers opening prayer before class starts prayer before class daily jesus prayers devotional prayer for today grace for purpose prayer let's pray together prayer for protection #dailyprayer #shortprayer #beblessed77 #beblessed #morningprayer  #prayerformorning #familyprayers #familyprayer #familyprotection #dailyjesusprayers Father, your scripture says in Psalm 143 verse 8, "Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life." Father, thank You that You are a safe place for me to go for help. You invite me into Your presence and scoop me up into Your arms every time I run to You. You listen to me and meet my fears, doubts, and failures with Your promises. You know my heart, and my every thought is safe with You. I trust You with anything. Please remind me to always run to You in times of trouble. Let's pray for this Christian YouTube channel for the glory of God and for all the people of the world to find the love of Jesus and let's make these prayer videos go viral. Show the power of Christians by subscribing to this youtube channel. Thank you.