The Hindu News & Editorial Analysis | 4th April 2022 | By Shubhendra Sir #UPSC @pathfinderias
In this session, Shubhendra Chouhan will discuss The Hindu News & Editorial Analysis for 4th April 2022 for the preparation of UPSC CSE 2022-23. 00:00 Introduction 1:23 Making Ground Water visible 12:52 The ‘Chandigarh question 24:07 NFC technology for instant payments 27:38 40 ‘chullahs’ damaged in Jagannath Temple 28:52 UN chief names an Indian in climate team 30:32 Taliban order ban on poppy cultivation 34:26 Goods exports up from pre-pandemic levels 36:11 First cases of infection from diabetes medication in India’ 37:55 Crisis in India's Neighbourhood Use Code '' SRC10'', Unlock FREE Special Classes on our platform, & also Get 10% off on your Subscription today. 👉🏻 Call Shubhendra Chouhan's Team on 8585858585 and take your UPSC CSE Preparations to the next level. 👉🏼 Goal Subscription Page: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/32b... 👉🏼 Goal Upcoming Class Page: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/74f... 👉🏻 Unacademy Civil Services Championship: https://unacademy.com/scholarship/UPSC 👉🏻 Educator Community page: https://unacademy.com/community/LZ7DKM/ 👉🏼 Modern History Series: https://unacademy.com/a/Modern-Histor... 👉🏼 SignUp Here: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/ac8... 🏆 Enroll Now: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/caa... Unacademy Combat every Sunday at 11:00 AM. The most competitive, gamified UPSC CSE battle is here with scholarships worth 4 crores. You can enrol to Unacademy Subscription and get the following benefits: 1. Learn from your favourite teacher 2. Dedicated DOUBT sessions 3. One Subscription, Unlimited Access to Live Online Classes and Videos 4. Real-time interaction with best-in-class teachers 5. You can ask doubts in live online classes 6. Limited students in each Class 7. Download the videos & watch them offline 👉🏼 About the Educator: He Studied at the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROURKELA. Teaching Current Affairs, The Hindu Analysis, and geography. Shubhendra Singh Chouhan and other top educators are teaching live on Unacademy. 👉🏼Shubhendra Singh Profile Link- https://unacademy.com/@unacademy-user... 👉🏼Join our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/pathfinder_upsc 👉🏼 April 2022 Playlist Link: • April 2022 The Hindu News & Editorial... 👉🏼 March 2022 Playlist Link: • March 2022 The Hindu News & Editorial... 👉🏼 Current Affairs Playlist: • Current Affairs by Shubhendra Singh C... 👉🏼 Feedback Link: https://unacademystudios.typeform.com... 👉🏼 Subscribe to our channel: / @pathfinderias ✤ Download the Unacademy Learning App here: 👉🏼 iOS: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/173... 👉🏼 Android: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/855... Get the UPSC-CSE GS Iconic Advantage: 1. Personal Coach 2. Study Planner & Bi-weekly Reviews 3. Dedicated Doubt Clearing Space 4. Personalized Test Analysis 5. Study Booster Sessions 6. Preparatory Study Material 7. All the Unacademy Subscription Benefits Welcome to Path Finder Channel, your one-stop solution for all UPSC CSE Exams. India’s Top Educators will be teaching you daily on this channel. We will cover the entire syllabus, strategy, updates, and notifications which will help you to crack the UPSC exams. During the live session, our Educators will be sharing many Tips and Tricks to crack the exam. UPSC aspirants who are preparing for their Exams will be benefited from this channel. Unacademy platform has the Best Educators from all over the country, who take live classes every day. #UPSC #TheHinduNewsAnalysis #EditorialAnalysis #TheHinduNews #EditorialAnalysis #TheHindu #Pathfinder