THE HINDU Analysis, 08 September 2020 (Daily News Analysis for UPSC) – DNS
Presented by: Mr. Vaibhav Mishra, Rau’s IAS Study Circle #Hindunewspaperanalysis #RauIASDNS #UPSC #Currentaffairs ►GSI HYBRID COURSE. Download Brochure - https://bit.ly/GSIHybrid-Brochure Video - • UPSC IAS Online Coaching | General St... ►DOWNLOAD DNS NOTES ▪ PDF Link: : http://bit.ly/DNS-Notes-08-Sep-20-PDF ▪ Pdf File: http://bit.ly/DNS-Notes-08-Sep-20-Word ►RAU’S IAS ONLINE FOR UPSC/IAS - ELEARN ▪ eLearn - Not all our learning content is on Youtube. All our content is available on our learning platform - https://elearn.rauias.com ▪ Intro Video - Elearn has been built specifically for UPSC aspirants to meet the learning and testing requirement of UPSC Civil Services Exam – • UPSC Prelims 2020 | Prelims Compass f... ▪ Trending discussion on E-Learn: https://elearn.rauias.com/d/covid-19-... ►TODAY’S THE HINDU ANALYSIS 1.Hypersonic cruise vehicle test puts India in elite club Page 01 - (00:38) 2. Empower the youth first Page 06 - (08:08) 3. The search for an end to the complex Naga conflict Page 07 - (21:23) 4. Tibetan soldier’s funeral seen as Delhi’s signal to Beijing Page 09 - (32:25) 5. Who will lead the ‘Jamboo Savari’ this time? Page 08 - (34:33) 6. Prelims Revision/Reference - (37:07) Govt. intervention in education policy should be minimal 7. QOD - (45:49) #ramjet #scramjet #Jet #vikas #DRDO #youth #employment #LFPR #NAGA #NALALIM #NSCN #Khaplang #Greaternagaland #SSF #INDOCHINA #TIBET #MYSORE ►UPSC PRELIMS 2020 COMPASS MAGAZINES ON AMAZON 1. Polity - http://bit.ly/RauIAS-Prelims-Compass-... 2. S&T - http://bit.ly/RauIAS-Prelims-Compass-... 3. History - http://bit.ly/RauIAS-Prelims-Compass-... 4. Economy - http://bit.ly/Prelims-Compass-Economy 5. Environment, Ecology & Biodiversity - https://bit.ly/RauIAS-Prelims-Compass... 6. Government Schemes – http://bit.ly/RauIAS-Prelims-Compass-... ►DAILY NEWS HEADLINES (DNH) - https://www.rauias.com/daily-news-hea... ► LATEST UPSC Prelims 2020 Practice Video ▪ Polity, Part-4: • UPSC Prelims 2020 | MCQs from Indian ... ▪ Current Affairs, November Part 1: • UPSC Prelims 2020 | MCQs on Current A... ▪ Current Affairs, October Part 2: • UPSC Prelims 2020 Practice MCQs Curre... ▪ Env. Eco & Biodiversity-2: • UPSC Prelims 2020 Practice MCQs Envi... ▪ Env. Eco & Biodiversity-1: • UPSC Prelims 2020 Practice MCQs Envi... ► CONNECT WITH Rau’s IAS ▪ Facebook : / rausias ▪ Instagram : / rausias