St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Ventura CA – Christmas Eve – 4:00pm Service

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Ventura CA – Christmas Eve – 4:00pm Service

Good afternoon and thank you for being here! We’re grateful and blessed that you’re joining us online for this Christmas Eve Family Service. Please let us know you’re here in the comments section! At 4pm we offer a very special service for Christmas Eve that includes and involves children and families. We will pass the baby Jesus through the church and to the creche. We'll remember the story and celebrate the coming of Christ, the day when God laid aside his glory and laid down in a manger. This precious baby boy would grow to become the most influential person in history. He came to save us all and reconnect us with God our Father. Join us as we celebrate this amazing act of love and grace. Join us as we lift our prayers and sing our praises. Online we offer Spiritual Communion. In-person we offer Eucharist: the body of Christ, the bread of heaven. Come to church and get inspired! You can find the bulletin here: If you are new or visiting, here’s how you can get in touch: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: Unless otherwise noted, permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from One License #A-719533 or CCLI #21673077. All rights reserved. #EpiscopalChurchService #TheEpiscopalChurch #EpiscopalServicesOnline #EpiscopalChurchServiceOnline #EpiscopalChurchServicesNearMe #EpiscopalServices #EpiscopalChurchLiveStream #WorshipServices #ChurchServices #ChurchNearMe #ASLChurchServices #ZOOMChurchService #CommonWorship #ServicesChurch #ChurchWorshipServices #DailyWorshipService #Episcopal #StPaulEpiscopalChurch #StPauls #EpiscopalPrayer #EpiscopalReligion #Religion #ChurchDoctrine #SignLanguageReligionVideos #DeafFriendlyChurch #FriendlyChurch #BuildingSpiritualStrength