Holy Mass on Wednesday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time
October 13, 2021 Welcome to Holy Mass on Wednesday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time, live-streamed from the Shrine of St. Joseph. Our Presider is Fr. Paul McDonnell, O.S.J. ---------SUPPORT--------- Grateful for the good gifts you’ve received? Give to God, through the Shrine of St. Joseph. Offertory: https://www.shrinestjoseph.com/donate What a blessing that you prayed alongside us today. We’re grateful for your prayers and support of our online ministry. God bless you! ---------SHRINE OF ST. JOSEPH--------- Shrine of St. Joseph: https://www.shrinestjoseph.com/ Shrine of St, Joseph Facebook: / shrinestjoseph Oblates of St. Joseph: http://osjusa.org/ Shrine Coffee: https://shrinecoffee.com/ Stay Connected: Sign up here to receive regular updates: https://shrine.flocknote.com The Shrine App can be found in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store as Shrine of St. Joseph ---------OBLATES FOUNDER ST. JOSEPH MARELLO--------- The Oblates of St. Joseph are Catholic priests and brothers living and working in many countries around the world. St. Joseph Marello: http://osjusa.org/st-joseph-marello/ ► DURING THE COMMUNION RITE We invite all watching to make an act of spiritual communion. “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen" ⛪ -- 3 WAYS to WATCH, PRAY, & PARTICIPATE in Holy Mass online -- 1⃣ WATCH & SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel bit.ly/ShrineChannel 2⃣ WATCH on Facebook: bit.ly/ShrineFBlive 3⃣ WATCH on our website at https://shrinestjoseph.com 🙏---PRAY--- Add your prayer intentions for Daily Mass below in Facebook and Youtube comments, in the comments section of our Shrine Facebook page, or on our website.