Reference Frames

Reference Frames

This physics video tutorial provides a basic introduction into reference frames. Whenever you discuss an object's motion such as speed or velocity - you need to compare it with respect to something. And that something is the frame of reference. Physics - Free Formula Sheets: Physics 1 Final Exam Review:    • Physics 1 Final Exam Review   Physics PDF Worksheets: _______________________________ Kinematics In One Dimension:    • Kinematics In One Dimension - Physics   Free Fall Physics Problems:    • Free Fall Physics Problems - Accelera...   2-Stage Rocket Problem:    • 2 Stage Rocket Problem - Kinematics a...   Terminal Velocity:    • Terminal Velocity   Motion Time Graphs:    • Velocity Time Graphs, Acceleration & ...   ________________________________ Vectors - Basic Introduction:    • Vectors - Basic Introduction - Physics   Resultant Force - Two Vectors:    • How To Find The Resultant of Two Vectors   Projectile Motion Problems:    • How To Solve Projectile Motion Proble...   Relative Velocity:    • Relative Velocity - Basic Introduction   Newton's Law of Motion:    • Newton's Law of Motion - First, Secon...   _______________________________________ Final Exams and Video Playlists: Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:   / collections