the beauty of magic || multifandom

the beauty of magic || multifandom

Watch 1080HD for better experience. Turn on CC for subtitles. Song: Carol of the bells by Lindsey Stirling Inspired by:    • Video   Kdrama: The King: Eternal Monarch The Bride of Habaek Alchemy of Souls (season 1 and 2) Doom at your service The sound of magic Arthdal Chronicles Hotel del Luna Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Bulgasal: Immortal Souls Tale of the nine-tailed The legend of the sea Island From now on, Showtime ​​​​​​​#AlchemyOfSouls #환혼 #kdrama #fmv​​​​​​​​​​ #fanvidfeed​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #netflix #TheSoundOfMagic #arthdalchronicles #doomatyourservice #hoteldelluna #thebrideofhabaek #thekingeternalmonarch #moonlovers #bulgasal #island #legendofthebluesea #taleoftheninetailed #fromnowonshowtime I do not own anything except the editing.