Martin Luther King, Jr. ❤️ A Non-Fiction Read Aloud Story for MLK Day about Equality and Justice!

Martin Luther King, Jr. ❤️ A Non-Fiction Read Aloud Story for MLK Day about Equality and Justice!

Title: Martin Luther King, Jr. Author: Mary Nhin Illustrator: Yuliia Zolotova Please support the author and illustrator by purchasing a book for your own home library! This non-fiction book tells the story of Martin Luther King Jr. and how he changed the world! This book is amazing to read on MLK Day, during Black History Month, or anytime at all! I hope everyone can learn something from this book! Use this link to use the worksheets I have created for this book! If you want to support me and my channel please consider purchasing me a book to read! Happy Reading! Sarah:) #ReadWithMeFun #KidsBooks #childrensreadaloud #childrensstories #childrensstorytime #childrensbooks #holidaybooks #audiobook #reading #books #booksforkids #booksonline #listenable #listenaudiobooks #listening #kidtime #kidtimestorytime #booktube #booktuber #audiobooks #children #kids #kidsbooks #kidsbooksreadaloud #thecoolbean #thecouchpotato #thegoodegg #peteoswald #readwithme #picturebook #picturebooksforkids #picturebooks #read #readalong #readalongstories #readalongs #learntoread #readtome #readtochildren #readtogether #readtokids #family #familybooksforkids #familystory #nighttimestory #nighttimestories