Norfloxacin tablets ip 400 mg | Norfloxacin tablet | Norfloxacin 400mg tablet | Norflox tablet

Norfloxacin tablets ip 400 mg | Norfloxacin tablet | Norfloxacin 400mg tablet | Norflox tablet

Norfloxacin tablets ip 400 mg | Norfloxacin tablet | Norfloxacin 400mg tablet | Norflox tablet Norfloxacin is an antibacterial medicine. norfloxacin is a first generation fluoroquinolone medicine which is similar to ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and pefloxacin. Norfloxacine tablet is available in different strength such as Norfloxacin 100mg tablet / norfloxacin 200 mg tablet / norfloxacin 400 mg tablet / norfloxacin 800 mg tablet. Norfloxacin tablet | norflox tablet uses to treat several types of bacterial infection including 1. Urinary tract infection UTI 2. Genital tract infection 3. Prostate enlargement 4. Bacterial diarrhoea 5. Gonorrhoea 6. Bladder infection 7. Kidney infection and many other bacterial infection which are not listed. Norfloxacin tablet / norflox tablet side effects are 1. Nausea 2. Vomiting 3. Diarrhoea 4. Abdominal pain 5. Heartburn 6. Insomnia 7. Muscular problem 8. Fibre related problem 9. Irreversible peripheral neuropathy and 10. Permanent disability In this video we will discuss about 1. Norfloxacin tablet / norflox tablet strength 2. Norfloxacin tablet / norflox tablet uses 3. Norfloxacin tablet / norflox tablet side effects 4. Norfloxacin tablet / norflox tablet contraindications 5. Norfloxacin tablet / norflox tablet dosage and many more in hindi. Like, share, subscribe #dr_asif_izhar #norflox #norfloxacin