Talking about your family in English – Spoken English lessons.
Learn useful vocabulary and phrases with the Spoken English video course. We can guarantee you, that by the end of this course, you will be able to speak fluently with your friends, colleagues and new people in English. You often may be asked these questions about your family. It is a common topic in many situations, such questions start with:Do you have a family? or Tell me about your family. So, it is important to know how to tell about your family. Family is important because they can help you and be there to support you for your whole life. In this lesson, we are discussing family as a happy relationship. Unfortunately, not all families have this same dynamic. Contents: 1. Welcome to “Spoken English” course 00:06 2. Speaking about your family 00:40 3. Family vocabulary 01:41 4. Dialogue for practice 03:44 *** Spoken English self-study coursebook https://www.amazon.com/Spoken-English... *** Join Perfect English Pronunciation Online Course https://lingportal.com/online-courses... *** All about English Tenses in a simple & easy way https://www.amazon.co.uk/Usage-Englis... Find Lingportal here: Web: https://lingportal.com FB: / lingportal Instagram: / lingportal.english Subscribe on YouTube: / lingportalonlineschoolofenglish #lingportal, #spokenenglish, #englishcourse, #familyvocabulary, #speakingenglish, #englishlesson, #learnenglish, #englishlanguage, #basicenglish,