Jingle bells | Christmas song with Santa Claus | Nursery rhymes | Kids songs | Kiddiestv

Jingle bells | Christmas song with Santa Claus | Nursery rhymes | Kids songs | Kiddiestv

This is a lovely Christmas song for children . This is our contribution to the merry Christmas season. A must watch for both adults and children. Karaoke version of the jingle bells song :    • Jingle bells rhyme sing along | Karao...   (SING ALONG)    / kiddiestv   www.kiddiestv.com www.facebook.com/kiddiestv PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AT    / @kiddiestv   Kiddiestv provides your kids with a great preschool learning experience. Here, its all about learn and fun... Right from alphabets, colors, nursery rhymes to everything for smaller children ! Experience premium quality kids videos ! Fresh videos are uploaded every week, so please SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on the new videos ! A few recommendations from Kiddiestv : Wheels on the bus numbers formation    • Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round ...   Row row row your boat Rhyme | Nursery rhymes | Baby song | Kiddiestv    • Video   Wheels on the bus with Surprise eggs | Kids songs | Kiddiestv    • Video   BINGO – fun with your favorite dog (Rhyme)    • bingo the dog | Nursery rhymes | Baby...   If you’re happy and you know it , clap your hands (rhyme)    • Video   (C) Image Devices(I) Pvt Ltd 2015