I'm with you - Avril Lavigne cover

I'm with you - Avril Lavigne cover

Sometimes solitude can limit the soul, especially when we're questioning life. We want a sudden event to set everything right, like a remote control to change the channel that we're watching. It's hard to want something that you don't have, something whose very shape is unknown to you. But, once the desire has been planted, what can you do but wallow in the vacuum of its absence? You can sing about it. If you enjoyed listening, please do like the video so that others can hear it too! Do comment below if you would like me cover a particular song :) Thank you for listening :) Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated :) I publish every Wednesday, subscribe to get notified!   / tina-nesa   Instagram: @melureia Facebook Page: TinaisNesa Twitter: @melureia YT:    / melureia   #avrillavignecover #coversong #imwithyou #avrillavigne #acousticcover #guitarcover