HUGE Nintendo switch Leak Appears! | Botw 2, Metroid Prime & More UPGRADE?!

HUGE Nintendo switch Leak Appears! | Botw 2, Metroid Prime & More UPGRADE?!

it seems that nintendo 2022 is still full of suprises in the form of new nintendo switch leaks. this time, nvida was hacked and had some interesting info of Nintendo switch pro plans. with these nintendo swithc pro leaks saying that nvidia isworking on dlss ( ai that upscales games to 4k 60fps / better performance) could this mean that the nintendos witch 2 or super switch or whatever the next nintendo switch, is on the horizon? with new nintendo switch games that could benifit from a nintendo switch pro patch coming out like the elgend fo zelda rbeath of the wild 2, xenoblades 3 and even past nintendo switch games like botw 1, Metroid dread, xenobalde chronicles 2, age of calamity and other nintendo games, could we see a pro patch for them as well? and when can we see the new nintendo switch? with e3 2022 liekly to be packed, would nintendo really show up with a new switch? i doubt that but 2023 is a shoo in more than likely. espcailly with other nintendo switch leaked games that should make the next nintendo direct and future nintendo switch for nitnendo 2022 andnintendo 2023 VERY INTERESTING! still holding out for those zelda games though! imagine twlight princess and wind waker at 4k! #nintendo #nintendoswitch #nintendodirect we talk about all this and more on the robo tron show where we cover the latest nintendo leaks, nintendo news and nintendo rumors. for more nintendo news subscribe to robo rob gaming today!