December 24, 2022, 4 p.m.: Christmas Pageant with Holy Eucharist

December 24, 2022, 4 p.m.: Christmas Pageant with Holy Eucharist

Join us as we welcome the birth of Christ and share the Christmas story through readings, reenactment, and hymns, followed by a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Service Leaflet: New to St. Paul's? Fill out our welcome card! You can learn more about us and our ministries at If you value this service, we encourage you to help support it by visiting the following link: The music in this service is produced live and is an original recording made by St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Music is either original to our musicians, in the public domain, or streamed with permission under One License Number A-720299. Please note that St. Paul's does not generate closed captioning. You can turn closed captioning on or off by clicking the appropriate button in the video.