Hemochromatosis and Wilson disease

Hemochromatosis and Wilson disease

Thanks for joining me as we explore hemochromatosis and Wilson disease today We will be covering Clinical case Hemochromatosis and Wilson disease Introduction Aetiologies Patient presentation Differential diagnosis Diagnostic evaluation Treatment and management Prognosis and complications Encouragement from the Bible I hope you find this helpful and informative Physicians for Jesus! References Wiener, Jameson et al, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Self-Assessment and Board Review, 19th edition, McGraw Hill, 2021 Harrison’s Principles and Practice of Internal Medicine, McGraw-Hill, 21st edition In a page medicine, Kahan et al, Wolters Kluwer, 2nd edition, 2009 The Merck Manual, 20th edition Approach to Internal Medicine, 4th edition, Padwal et al