Puy Roti Lady Opening A New Restaurant In Bangkok Thailand? ​⁠

Puy Roti Lady Opening A New Restaurant In Bangkok Thailand? ​⁠

‪@puyrotilady‬ a beloved street food vendor in the bustling streets of Bangkok, Thailand. Join us as we dive into the rumors and speculations about whether Puy has plans to open a new restaurant, unraveling the mystery surrounding her culinary future. Discover the secret behind her mouthwatering roti creations and the warm smiles that have won the hearts of locals and tourists alike. Please Subscribe to Puy's youtube channel ‪@puyrotilady‬ Lociaton Soi Sala Daeng Bangkok Thailand Google Location https://maps.app.goo.gl/2gbEyr9QXdP2A... Price 40 THB Closed Monday Open Tuesday - Sunday 4pm till late You are welcome to buy me a coffee I appreciate the support Thank You Som https://www.buymeacoffee.com/somethin... #thailand #streetfood #puyrotilady