22 November 2020 — Christ the King: The Last Sunday of the Season after Pentecost
And now for something completely different! We invite kids of all ages, as well as the young at heart, to join us for a Sunday morning service of worship and formation. We have some beautiful music to sing and dance along with from our choir members and our Music Director, a reading from the Old Testament about some sheep getting their shepherd's care, and a really fun way to hear the Gospel passage in words and music. We invite you to pray with us today, and every day... and remember: it's okay to play with your food at St. Paul's! Psst.. if you want to hear the full volume version of the music behind the Gospel story, check out Keith Green's music on this video: • The Sheep and The Goats & Asleep In T... That weekly epistle email we talk about during the announcements is available to everyone, just by clicking this link: https://mailchi.mp/stpaulsrome/christ... — we would love to send it to you, too, if you want.