Daily Mass Readings July 28, 2023

Daily Mass Readings July 28, 2023

DAILY ROMAN CATHOLIC READINGS AND SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS Friday, 28th July 2023 ------------------------------------------------ FRIDAY, THE SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Memorial of Alphonsa Muttathupadathu, Virgin 2 Cor 10:17-11:2; Ps 63; Mt 25:1-13 or Lk 10:38-42 (or) Ex 20: 1-17; Ps 19: 8-11; Mt 13: 18-23 ------------------------------------------------ FERTILE HEARTS NEEDED The parable of the sower and seed which is explained in the Gospel of today reflects everyday farming practices in Palestine during Jesus’ time. The images it evokes would have been easily understood by those listening to Jesus. In the parable, the soil represents the various degrees of openness in those who heard the Gospel message. Each hearer is personally responsible for how he receives the Word of God. Jesus describes the responses that different people make in their walk of faith toward maturity. Faith in Jesus is a gradual process. First, we are like “babes in Christ”’ (1 Cor 3:1). The progression from infancy to maturity does not happen only through self-effort, but comes through the work of the Holy Spirit in us. “For God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Phil 2:13). With our cooperation, God will bring to completion what he has started in us for he wants a plentiful harvest. How can I bring about a plentiful harvest in my life from the seed that is sown? I need to remove out the weeds - that is the sins that block the growth of the life of God in me. I need to regularly manure my life through the sacramental grace, my daily prayer and by reading the Word of God. I need to constantly pray for the Spirit of God to work in my life to lead me to bear plentiful fruit. I need to spray timely and frequent fertilizers through the Sacrament of Confession, to wipe away the possible evil attacks. Ultimately, my fruit will be determined by the efforts that I make: thirtyfold for those who gave 30%, sixtyfold for those who gave 60%, and hundredfold for those who gave 100%. Response: Lord, you have the words of eternal life.