Shingles(herpes zoster)#shingles#drkukrejakalani#8291492566#kenthomeopathyclinic#hiranandanipowai
*Herpes Zoster (Shingles): Understanding Symptoms, Causes, and Types* Herpes Zoster, commonly known as shingles, is a viral infection caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which is responsible for chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus can remain dormant in nerve cells and later re-emerge as shingles. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and types of herpes zoster is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. *Symptoms:* 1. *Pain and Tingling:* Often, the first symptom is pain or tingling in a specific area, commonly on one side of the body or face. 2. *Rash:* A rash typically follows the pain, developing into red, fluid-filled blisters that resemble a band or strip. The rash is usually limited to one side of the body. 3. *Itching:* The affected area may be intensely itchy. 4. *Flu-Like Symptoms:* Some individuals may experience fever, headache, and general malaise. 5. *Sensitivity to Touch:* The rash and affected skin can be sensitive to touch. *Causes:* The primary cause of herpes zoster is the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which remains dormant in nerve cells after a person has had chickenpox. Several factors may contribute to the reactivation, including: 1. *Weakened Immune System:* Conditions such as aging, immunosuppressive medications, or diseases like HIV can weaken the immune system, allowing the virus to resurface. 2. *Stress:* Physical or emotional stress may trigger the reactivation of the virus. 3. *Certain Medications:* Some medications, particularly those affecting the immune system, may increase the risk of shingles. *Types:* 1. *Dermatomal Shingles:* The most common type, affecting a specific dermatome (area of skin) served by a single nerve or nerve group. This often results in a band-like pattern of rash on one side of the body. 2. *Ophthalmic Shingles:* Involves the nerves around the eye, potentially causing eye pain, redness, and vision problems. 3. *Ramsay Hunt Syndrome:* Affects the facial nerve, leading to ear pain, rash around the ear, and facial weakness. 4. *Disseminated Shingles:* In rare cases, the rash can spread to a larger area or involve multiple dermatomes, posing a greater risk of complications. #drkukrejakalani #kenthomeopathypowai #onlineconsultation #8291492566 #herpes #hsv #hiv #cancer #diabetes #herpesawareness #drsebi #herpescure #london #herpesdating #hpv #perth #livingwithherpes #health #genitalherpes #herpessupport #herpessimplex #herbs #alkaline #std #usa #lupus #vegan #stroke #aids #seamoss #herpesgenital #cure #herpesinformation #alkalinediet #seeaustralia #herpesvirus #stdlifecoach #healthylifesty #sydney #kentclinic #Kentmumbai #powaiinfo #mimani #hiranandanigardens #dubai #hiranandanihospital #homeopayhtphysician #immunitymatters #hypersensitivereactions #idiosyncrasies #constitutionalmedicines #classicalhomeopathy #jtkent #india #biocbemichomeopathy#lifestyldiseases #mindmatters #pschosomaticdisorders #Depression #anxiety #peace #florida #alternativemedicines #ayush #antibodies #autoimmunedisorders #pathogens #viralinfection #innateimmunity #italy #degenerativeprocess #oxidativeprocess #antioxidativediet #lifeforce #soul #europe #pasttrauma #tcells #metabolism Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like” and treats diseases at the root level. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from a variety of sources like plants, animals, minerals and metals. These Homeopathic medicines are dilutions making them extremely safe for all age groups including infants. Dr Kukreja A (Kalani), M. D(Homeopathy) has been the founder of Kent Homeopathy Clinic at Powai. She is a Homeopathic Practitioner practicing in Mumbai, India since 1999. With Relentless selfless devotion to the field of homeopathy, she has treated a number of patients for their chronic as well as acute diseases. Kent Homeopathy clinic Powai is a Homeopathy clinic located at Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai,India. Consult with Dr Kukreja A Kalani MD(Homeopathy) by visiting the clinic or via a secure Video Consultation. To book an In clinic appointment or to consult via video please call or WhatsApp on +91-8291492566 Visit Kent Homeopathy clinic Powai: http://kenthomeopathy.com To Book an In-clinic appointment with Dr Kukreja A Kalani: https://kenthomeopathy.com/book-appoi... To Book an Online Video Consult with Dr Kukreja A Kalani: https://kenthomeopathy.com/book-appoi... Like Kent Homeopathy clinic Powai on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kenthomeopat... Follow Kent Homeopathy clinic Powai on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kenthomeopa... To listen to Health podcasts by Dr Kukreja A Kalani on Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/0TaTnUt...