Where city has this night view? | BusanHaeundaeLive | 부산해운대라이브

Where city has this night view? | BusanHaeundaeLive | 부산해운대라이브

■ LIVE 설명 Busan's famous place, Haeundae Beach, is set in the background  We're doing this BusanHaeundaeLive to share the beauty of Haeundae with many people 부산의 대표명소 해운대앞바다를 배경으로  해운대의 아름다움을 많은 분들께 공유하고자 LIVE 진행하게되었습니다 1년365일 매일매일 다른 느낌의 해운대에서 시시각각변화하는 에메랄드색깔의 바다와 쉬지않고 움직이는 하늘의 구름 그리고 밤에도 불이꺼지지않는 미래도시같은 마린시티 이 모든것을 한눈에 해운대앞바다 전체를 내려다볼수있는 달맞이언덕 ■ 음악 – Music provided by Lofi Girl – Listen: bit ly/lofigirI-playlists ■ 태그 #busan #korea #busansouthkorea #haeundae #कोरियादक्षिण #हाउंडे #बूसान #coreadelsur #韓国 #釜山 #海雲台 #Südkorea #CoréeduSud #southkorea