WEDNESDAY OF THE TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Luke 6:20-26) The Word of God for Everyone Dear people of God, In today's Gospel, God wants to tell all humanity about the blessings and misfortunes. He gives instructions for people to know and choose to follow the good path or the bad path. God is a benevolent Father. His beatitudes, which are good things, are given to the people for them to practice. He points out the misfortunes, which are dangerous, for people to stay away. Anyone who has fallen into a bad path should return to God, not continue on it, or else it will lead to disaster. God says that God is the only Most High One that humans need to seek. All material things and worldly possessions are only temporary and fleeting and will not exist when God calls each person out of this world. They are just a means for people to use, help, and share with others. This deed is sacred luggage to help people enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Word of God today calls people to run to God, to obey and carry out His commands, namely, to love, support, and share with each other. Look at the example of Jesus Christ: He is God, the richest one, but He dares to give up everything and become a poor person to sympathize, share, and help the poor and the sick, and to liberate those imprisoned by Satan. God never puts material things above all things, but He requires people to live according to the image of the good person that God created, namely the good and holy person with a heart of love for everyone. Through the beatitudes and woes in today's Gospel, God calls all of His children: Return to God, live in love and charity, and share with your fellow human beings, especially to help the poor and miserable in society. To be like Christ in every place, at every time, and in every situation. For only He is a great example for everyone to learn and follow. Not to place importance on worldly things, but to emphasize love for God and others. Only God's commandment of love can bring true happiness to people, and it is the path that leads people to the Kingdom of Heaven. Today, God calls everyone: To practice God's commands and not stray from His teachings. Walking the path of the Cross that Jesus Christ walked, that is, the path of love, a path full of thorns, obstacles, and suffering, but it is what pleases God most. To choose the narrow path to God to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for the wide road will lead people to destruction and separation from God. Thanks be to God. Amen.