Sunday, March 9, 2025 11:00 AM Praise Worship
Sunday March 9, 2025 8:30 AM Classic Worship 11:00 AM Praise Worship Worship Series: Everything [in] Between Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 Message Title: Stranger & Neighbor This parable begins and ends with the question, “Who is my neighbor?” and the answer is, surprisingly, “the stranger.” The Samaritan, whose place of worship and customs are different from the scribe who questions Jesus, is both a stranger and a neighbor to the man who was beaten and left in a ditch. In our world, many of our physical neighbors are strangers to us, and many of our neighbors—those closest to us—feel like strangers in divisive political climates. If we align our intentions and actions, then maybe we need to reconsider who we consider “stranger,” and ask ourselves if we have acted as good neighbors. Here’s how to participate… Livestream worship from our YouTube channel. ● YouTube Live Chat is available during the service. Say “hi” and let us know you’re worshipping with us! You must be logged in with a Gmail account on your device to use the chat feature. ● Share your presence in worship using this link to the Worship Attendance Form. ● Give electronically at this link or go to onalaskaumc.org/give, or contact the office to request mail-in giving envelopes. ● Send prayer requests via text at 262-253-4353, use this link to the Prayer Request Form, post in the Live Chat, or email the church office. ● If YouTube doesn’t work for you, contact our office (608-783-3380 or [email protected]) and we will mail you a copy of the worship slides and the sermon notes the week following. Music licenses: CCLI#689523 Streaming License# CSPL081439