Caterpillar 345B L Hidraulic Excavator 3D model - Learn 3D while you watch Arq Lugo Youtube

Caterpillar 345B L Hidraulic Excavator 3D model - Learn 3D while you watch Arq Lugo Youtube

Vehicle modeled in blender from blueprints, the closest thing to reality, the doors, mechanic parts like arms and spoon separated in the blender directory for easy manipulation when used in video games, mid polygon clean geometry 122202 faces, 231215 tris, 124142 vertices .All meshes are separated by materials and use, No logos or brand names are modeled to avoid copyright infringement. Sales: Portfolio: Learn 3D while you watch Arq Lugo Youtube ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    / @arq_lugo   Loading The Caterpillar 345B Excavator - Fasoulas Heavy Transports Receive&Transport A Brand New Caterpillar 374 Excavator From Eltrak To Papaioannou Group Facilities 345CL Excavator Pulls Out 2 Deere Dozers From a Canal "Stuck?" NUEVAS Excavadoras Caterpillar 320 + CAT GRADE 2D + Assist + Payload + eFence | NEXT GEN