Homily for the Mass of The Solemnity of All Saints, (November 1 ), 2024.
On All Saints’ Day, we honor the vast multitude of men and women now in God’s presence, including those known only to Him. Today’s readings remind us of our call to holiness as “children of God” (1 John 3:1), inspired by the saints who lived the Beatitudes with humility, mercy, and purity. By honoring their example, we’re invited to seek God’s grace, amend our ways, and find hope in the promise of eternal life. May the saints’ intercession support us on our journey to holiness and inspire us to live in God’s love. #AllSaintsDay #CallToHoliness #CommunionOfSaints #CatholicFeast #Revelation7 #Beatitudes #SaintsInHeaven #CatholicFaith #ChristianLife #EternalLife #HolyExamples #InspiredBySaints #SeekHoliness #ChildrenOfGod #IntercessionOfSaints