Portuguese Egg Tart Recipe
Portuguese Egg Tarts are deliciously flaky dessert, buttery crust and with aromatic egg custard fillings’ baked until the edges are crisps and the top has fully caramelized. I tried it once at Lord Stow’s bakery in Manila and from that moment on, I couldn’t forget the taste. So I searched for the recipe and tried to bake it myself! It wasn’t that hard though to make it. In this recipe I was able to make 24 pcs of tarts. I reduced the sugar here to ¾ cup which is just right for our taste but if you like it a little bit sweeter you can use upto 1 cup sugar. Here are the ingredients! Tart • 2 1/2 cup all-purpose flour • 215ML-220 ML cold water • ½ tsp Salt • 200 grams room temp unsalted butter, should be soft and you can spread it easily Custard Recipe • 280 ML Milk • Lemon Peels • 1 Cinnamon Stick • 50 grams all purpose flour mixed with 120 ML Milk • Sugar Syrup ( ¾ cup sugar and 180 ml water) • 6 egg yolks • 1 tsp vanilla extract ( Optional) #eggcustard #eggtart #portugueseeggtart