Sung Eucharist - The Second Sunday of Epiphany - 19 January 2025 | Canterbury Cathedral
Join our clergy and choir live online for Sung Eucharist at Canterbury Cathedral. We are beginning the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and today we welcome as our preacher Father Giovanni Prandini, the Assistant Priest for our sisters and brothers at St Thomas’ Roman Catholic Church in Burgate. We pray for all Christians throughout the world; especially those who are living under oppressive regimes, who have to practise their faith in secret; and for those who are in the midst of war and conflict. We long for the unity which is Christ’s gift and will for us. • SUPPORT US: https://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/... It costs nearly £30,000 per day to keep Canterbury Cathedral open, and we do not receive regular funding from Government or the Church of England. Please donate if you can. Order of Service: https://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/... Music List: https://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/... Pew Sheet: https://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/... • VISIT US: The Cathedral is open to visitors and for services of worship: https://www.canterbury-cathedral.org • SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of our daily worship and other Cathedral videos: https://www.youtube.com/CanterburyCat... • SEND A PRAYER: submit your prayers for inclusion in our daily worship https://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/...