To call allow whatsapp access to your microphone | AD Tech 95 | Problem | Solved
to call allow whatsapp access to your microphone tap settings permissions and turn microphone on AD Tech 95 Problem Solved Channel:- / @adtech7059 to call allow whatsapp access to your microphone tap settings permissions and turn microphone on to call allow whatsapp access to your microphone to call allow whatsapp access to your microphone problem to video call allow whatsapp access to your microphone and camera whatsapp access to your microphone tap settings permissions and turn microphone on how to fix whatsapp video calling problem how to fix whatsapp video call problem whatsapp se call aur video call dono hii nhi lag ra hai toh kaise theek karenge es video me sab btaya h #ADTech95 #whatsapp #whatsappvideocallproblem My name is Arun dey, on this channel you will get videos related to defeat tech. This video is useful for everyone, so I request you to watch the video completely so that you do not face any problem later. I request YouTube to send the bad videos that are trending and send the good, inportant videos only. important note :-⚠️ DISCLAIMER : this channel dose not promote or encourage Any illegal activities , all content provided by this channel is meant for Educational purpose only copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976 , allowance is mad for fair use for purpose such a as criticism , comment ,news reporting , teaching scholarship and research fair use is permitted by copyrigh 🙏thanks for watching this video