Learn Animals for Toddlers - Animal Sounds, Farm Animals, Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Learn Animals for Toddlers - Animal Sounds, Farm Animals, Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Have your toddler learn with a real teacher. It has packed so much important learning into this “Learn Animals with” special! Not only does she teach farm animals, animal sounds, zoo animals, and baby animal names, she sneaks in learning concepts to prepare children for preschool, such as modeling “what questions,” gestures, first words, first sentences, 5 W Questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why) pretend play skills, counting, colors, shapes, numbers, letters and letter sounds! She includes fun nursery rhymes & kids songs that encourage movement and language development. We teaches prepositions such as under, next to, on, behind, in and out! As always, you can count on to encourage language, movement and engagement. She is a master at encouraging speech and making screen time active, not passive. This kind of screen time is more beneficial. We uses fun learning toys to engage and excite toddlers about learning and encourage speech. The learning standards and milestones she encourages range from 9 month old milestones like clapping to 5 year old milestones such as using the words and phrases “behind” and “next to” correctly and asking and answering “why questions.” Young children will be challenged to learn more and older siblings can watch and learn together with little ones. “Songs for Littles” is better screen time for bright toddlers! Buzz Feed called it “The best educational YouTube channel!” If your child is not meeting milestones, let your pediatrician know and call Early Intervention for your state. Your child may qualify for free or very low cost therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. You can also contact a private speech therapist (speech language pathologist) for an evaluation. It’s best to act early and get your child help as soon as possible. Songs in this video include: Old Macdonald Had A Farm Five Little Ducks Mary Had A Little Lamb Walkin’ At The Zoo If You Should Meet An Elephant Hop Little Bunnies Tick Tock Cuckoo Clock 5 Little Monkeys Bananas Unite Do You Know What Shape This Is? Row, Row, Row Your Boat Bingo Little Bo Peep 1-20 Song Itsy Bitsy Spider Ants Go Marching ABCs Plus more! We also teaches about taking care of our pets and being gentle with our pets! She teaches children about veterinarians. She also shows real pets and animals throughout the episode. The Old Macdonald Had A Farm with real animals will delight children and the Old MacDonald Baby Animals. Learn, grow and play along with us also learns about jungle animals and forest animals. Visit our “Songs for Littles” YouTube Channel for many more baby learning videos, toddler learning videos, preschool learning videos, educational videos for toddlers, baby sign videos, learning videos for toddlers, videos for kids, baby learning videos for babies to watch, Learn To Talk videos, Talking Time, Baby Sensory Video, Talking Toddler, videos for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, 3 year olds, 4 year olds and 5 year olds! We have the best educational videos for toddlers and learning videos for kids. We know you’ll love this Old Macdonald Baby Animals video with kids songs and nursery rhymes! Your child will love Old Macdonald Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs. Teacher Rachel loves you and is so proud of you! #songsforlittles #animalsounds #farmanimals #zooanimals #toddlerlearningvideos #babyanimals #oldmacdonald #kidssongs