16 Types of Students on Picture Day

16 Types of Students on Picture Day

The world-renowned photographer, Pablo Diablo LaKosh has arrived to snap photos for Picture Day. What kind of challenges will he face when he meets ClassT1T5? [Titan Academy Ep.8] Follow me on Instagram   / thejianhaotan   Featuring: Dee Kosh:   / deekosh   Trevmonki:   / trevtham   Denise:   / denisesoongeelyn   Sierra:   / sierralixing   Vicky:   / yklvv   Juhi:   / juhinars   Peishi:   / speishi   Cheryl Chin:   / cheryl.chin   Kevin:   / kaleidoscovin   Xinde:   / xindeyap   Ben:   / bentanggg   Hamza:   / hamzazaidi   Razeem:   / notoriousrazeem   Debbie:   / debbwie   Ridhwan:   / ridhwannabe   Amander:   / amandersings   Vincent:   / itsvincentsin   Danial Ron:   / danialron   Hakim:   / runawaykim   EMAIL: For business enquiries, contact [email protected] directly Shop our merchandise on: http://www.shophaohao.com WATCH OUR OTHER CHANNELS NotGoodGamers:    / notgoodgamers   PlayTimeTV:    / channel   The In Central:    / @thefoodcentralsg   LadiesFirst:    / @ladiesfirsttvsg   TITAN DIGITAL MEDIA http://www.titandigitalmedia.com   / titandigitalmedia   OFFICIAL PARTNERS: ShopHaoHao: http://www.shophaohao.com Cocomo: https://cocomo.sg Play-E: https://play-e.com