Top 3 Methods To Reduce MUSCLE SORENESS After Workout | BeerBiceps Gym Tips
🎥 Watch Our PODCAST CLIPS (Highlights of our podcast) : / theranveershowclips 🎧 Listen To #TheRanveerShow On Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZcvVBP... ✅ Subscribe to our HINDI YouTube Channel: / ranveerallahbadia Hello everyone Welcome to my channel - BeerBiceps! When it comes to the end of a workout session there is one thing that you may sometimes end up being with, it is the muscle soreness. It is one of the most common issues which people face after a good gym session which demotivate the individuals. In some cases the soreness is so harsh that it completely demotivates the person making them quit gym. Today’s video is all about how to (SCIENTIFICALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY) deal with muscle soreness after workout. Muscle soreness science is one of the most misunderstood fitness and gymming related topics in the world. According to me, it is not something you should be demotivated by but instead something that should give you motivation to better yourself. Soreness after working out means your body is growing. Accept and embrace the muscle pain after exercise. Here’s my top 3 points for sore muscles remedy and DOMS recovery. Check it. Also, like, share, comment and subscribe to my channel and stay tuned for more such videos! #muscles #soreness INSTAGRAM : @beerbiceps / beerbiceps FACEBOOK : @beerbiceps / beerbiceps TWITTER : @beerbicepsguy / beerbicepsguy LINKEDIN : @beerbiceps / beerbiceps SNAPCHAT : @beerbicepsguy Video Team :- Rajas Pardeshi : / through_the_glass_eye Blake D'silva : / seeingbetweenthepixels Akshat Tiwari : / akshattiiwari Girish Agisgekar : / girish_agisgekar Video Equipment :- Camera: Canon 5D Mark 4: https://amzn.to/37te4ck Lenses: Canon F1.4 50mm USM prime lens: https://amzn.to/2FjsuzM Canon F1.4 28mm USM prime lens: https://amzn.to/2QlIXdm Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS III USM lens: https://amzn.to/36ogh8X Canon 50mm F1.8: https://amzn.to/39KUBGi Memory card: SanDisk Extreme 64gb CF card: https://amzn.to/2FjB7KF SanDisk Extreme 128gb CF card: https://amzn.to/2QiSy4v Mic: Sennheiser EW122P G4 Cameramount Lapel Wireless Microphone System: https://amzn.to/2T03Dt9 Sennheiser MKE 600 Super-Cardioid Video and Camera Shotgun Microphone for Filming: https://amzn.to/37u7P8n Zhiyun Crane 2 Gimbal: https://amzn.to/37yUDPC Yunteng Aluminium Tripod With Carry Case For DSLR - Vct-690 - Black: https://amzn.to/2SSEjF9 ---------------------------------------------- About : BeerBiceps by Ranveer Allahbadia is the ULTIMATE self improvement & self help channel. We began as a channel only for fitness & health enthusiasts. Eventually we started covering topics such as fashion, grooming, personal finance, etiquette, meditation, mental health, communication skills & even entrepreneurship. Today BeerBiceps is the home for The Ranveer Show or TRS - India's smartest podcast. A show where we host the country's greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. Every conversation on The Ranveer Show is intellectual, deep & informational. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes. Every conversation is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer.