Pepper Steak Recipe Jamaican Style | Quick recipe in 30 Minutes

Pepper Steak Recipe Jamaican Style | Quick recipe in 30 Minutes

Welcome to our channel! In this video, we dive into the rich flavors of Jamaican cuisine with a delicious recipe for Pepper Steak. Join us as we guide you through the process of making this classic dish from scratch, showcasing the authentic techniques of Jamaican home-made cooking. Not only will you learn how to prepare this mouth-watering meal, but you'll also gain insights into the cultural significance of the ingredients used. Get ready for an educational experience that tantalizes your taste buds and brings a taste of Jamaica right to your kitchen! Subscribe, Like, Follow, Comment Ingredients- 3 lbs sirloin beef ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 tbsp Himalayan salt 2 tbsp oregano 2 tbsp Garlic powder 2 tbsp onion powder 2 tbs smoked paprika Mrs Dash Garlic & Herbs 2 tbsp chicken bouillon Cornstarch to coat chicken Green seasonings - escallion, onions, bell pepper(all colors) garlic, thyme Sauce ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hoisin Sauce Wine vinegar Brown sugar Soy sauce Meat and beef sauce Chilli pepper Sesame oil Beef broth Spice Cornstarch to thicken sauce Please note that the above ingredients are just a guide to direct your cooking experience, so please feel free to adjust to your tastebuds