Prioritizing God: How to Put Him First in Everything

Prioritizing God: How to Put Him First in Everything

Transform your life by putting God first in everything! This powerful message will inspire and guide you to prioritize your relationship with God, leading to a more fulfilling life. Discover how to: Seek God's guidance in decision-making Trust in His sovereignty amidst uncertainty Cultivate a deeper prayer life Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more inspiring content! Follow us on social media: ‪@Motivateme0001‬ #PutGodFirst #Faith #Inspiration #Motivation #ChristianLiving #GodFirst #BibleStudy #DailyDevotional #SpiritualGrowth #JesusLovesYou #ChristianMotivation #FaithOverFear #TrustGod #PrayerWorks" jesus christian motivation christian inspiration put god first god first god christian morning prayer prayer motivation faith devotional jesus first prayer for today prayers daily devotional prayer of the day daily prayer devotion jesus morning prayer daily morning prayer morning prayers trust god bible grace christian encouragement trust in god lord hope inspirational motivational holy spirit powerful prayer bible study god is in control morning blessings god is with you jesus name pray first wisdom blessed day transformation breakthroughs daily jesus devotionals spirituality biblical god's plan inspired amen worship peace affirmation shorts pray christianmotivation christianinspiration spiritual growth bible study tips christianity #jesuslovesyou prioritize god christian living success christian study successful morning devotionals scriptures morningprayer jesusfirst thanksgiving meditation morning devotion god message for you sermon spiritualgrowth grace oasis prayer for god's peace prayer for god's peace and comfort morning prayer before you start your day morning prayer starting your day with god morning motivation christian meditation powerful morning prayer never give up pray without ceasing invite god into your life prayer is the food for your spiritual growth prayer changes everything prayer works keep praying god above all give priority to your prayer life godsplan christianfaith godisgood hopeandfaith walkingwithgod faithoverfear lifewithgod faithandlife godfirst purposedrivenlife dailydevotion faithingod inspiringspeech christianliving faithjourney putgodfirst cslewis fear no evil put your confidence in christ trust in the lord god works in your prayer pray daily pray in secret faith into action spiritual fulfillment faith and guidance faithfirst divinepath warriors of faith prayer to start your day start your day with god lets pray together peaceful morning prayer for the day inner peace short morning prayer jesus prayer purpose-driven life divine blessings overcoming challenges strength through faith morning god inspirational speech god’s will resilience in faith finding meaning seek god first love advice shorts christian shorts marriage shorts selfless love christ centered relationship biblical marriage advice godly marriage love and marr serving in marriage healthy relationships marriage tips seek kingdom seek put jesus first above inspiration begin every day start your day start overcome christ encouraging encourage motivate inspire pastor jesus christ words preach words of god jd327 channel big god let go let god trust god’s timing god moves when you pray god’s guidance trust hard times overcome worry courage compilation faith not fear trusting god in times of uncertainty follow god bless god wellness positivity how to thrive prioritize god and thrive ripple effect christian life tips growing in christ god-centered life spiritual breakthrough living for god faith and spiritual growth prioritizing god how to put god first faithful living hope and inspiration. chosen one are isolated without romantic connection. denzel washington 7 powerful signs god is listening to your prayers! stop worrying god will change your life this don't share these 7 things with anyone in 2025 when everything seemed lost god changed my story. force yourself to be active day by day financial literacy cash envelope method investing for beginners savings challenge debt free community financial freedom financial planning financial education goal based financial planning how to budget debt payoff personal finance for millennials budgeting tips debt snowball frugal living budgeting budget planner money management retirement planning budget tracker budget with me financial goals personal finance money goals #kingdomwork #faithjourneycontinues #worshiptogether #praisegod #jesusislord #growinfaith #discipleofchrist #abideinhim #christianlife #godisgood #christfollower #belight #servegod #faithinaction #bornagain #holyliving #reviveyourfaith #godslove inspired momentum #glorifygod #encouragementforchristians #strengthinfaith #godsword #liveforgod #spiritualawakening #christianlifestyle #faithwalk #redeemedbygrace #godspromises #praywithoutceasing #dailyfaith #relyongod #faithhopelove #bibleverses