3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Selling On Amazon (Wholesale Version)

3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Selling On Amazon (Wholesale Version)

You're Most Likely Selling On Amazon And Making These SAME EXACT MISTAKES.................................................................................. Amazon Wholesale Course The Wholesale Underground https://bit.ly/3SDF6q8 Most Important Wholesale Tool! Use Promo Code: UNDERGROUND50 to get 50% off your First Month: https://bit.ly/2XuAMk0 ScanUnlimited Tutorial:    • Amazon Product Research | ScanUnlimit...   Smash This Link To Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2MCTIrS You Need To Know These Wholesale Knowledge Bombs: https://bit.ly/2IiR7xM Find Name-Brand Wholesale Suppliers: https://bit.ly/2ETbtN8 Wholesale Beginner Playlist: https://bit.ly/2WqhqvC Show Me Some Love 😋 Instagram: https://bit.ly/2LX5ig6 FB Page: https://bit.ly/2OCZkmN Free FB Public Group: https://bit.ly/2KkoSzR 1. Not having all of my business expenses on one card As silly as this may sound now, back when I first started selling on amazon in general, even before getting into wholesale. I didn’t have the slightest clue of how things should be done on the accounting side. I was mixing personal expenses and business expenses on the same account and then when I realized I would have to file taxes on all of this, I opened up a business account solely for amazon and I put ALL of my business expenses on one card. And all amazon payments would go into one account. But I had already been mixing business and personal expenses during my arbitrage days, which were in the very beginning. If you make the same mistake I did, come tax season, it is a nightmare to get everything in order and it’s going to take twice as long to arrange everything for your accountant. Also, if for some reason you get audited and everything on your “business account” is comingled with personal expenses, that’s going to be a whole other headache you’ll have to deal with. So learn from me, one account and one card for your business. 2. Category Jumping Is not doing something I like to call category jumping. Now category jumping is just when you start looking for suppliers, you may start your search looking under the toys and games and category, you do this for a very short time then get distracted and jump to pet supplies, then an hour later you look into topicals. This is category jumping and at face value it might not seem like a big deal, but when you’re looking for wholesale suppliers, I don’t think this is the best strategy to follow. I think the best way to tackle this is to dive deep into one category for a set amount of time. Maybe for you that’s a day or a week, whatever it is but set a time for yourself “ok today I will only look for video game suppliers, or grocery suppliers” and then tomorrow look into a different category. The reason this works so well is because when you start looking for suppliers, the easiest ones to find usually aren’t the best ones out there. So diving deep into one category you can weed out all of the suppliers you don’t want and find the ones you’re really looking for. Now I’m not saying to stick to one niche, I have a video coming out on that next week. But for the set amount of time you set for yourself dive deep into one category before moving on. 3. Focused Too Much On Finding More And More Suppliers Now this one is probably the biggest mistake and it’s probably going to require the biggest explanation. And that is to not focus too much on finding more and more suppliers. Now let me explain what I mean. I’ve said in the past that wholesale is a numbers game and it 100% is, but with that being said, if you’re getting caught up in only putting the numbers in, like I did, chances are you’re going to miss out on good suppliers. So although you do have to find many suppliers to find one that you want to work with that has good products. If you’re only focused on finding more and more, you may blow past a good supplier because at first contact they didn’t seem very good. so you get a suppliers list and you don’t find anything so you move on. But if you would have taken the time to talk to them more, or asked the right questions, you would have known to get on their email list, or to ask for any deals, specials, or closeouts that they may have going on right now. Or you didn’t take the time to try to negotiate with that supplier and you moved on when you could have gotten a 10-15% discount on a good selling product. I a