Marketing Management|semester 5(2023)~ For B.Com(general)|| pondicherry University||Question paper||
Marketing Management|semester 5(2023)~ For B.Com(general)|| pondicherry University||Question paper||# pondicherry university# #pondicherryuniversity #b.com #b.a #b.sc #portblair # all departments # previous year question papers# if you want any other questions , paper then ask me in the comment session 🙃🙂 if you want a pdf of this then available for here PDF DOCUMENT https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tvp2... it's our second channel MN EDIT TEJA    / @mneditteja9909  thanks for watching subscribe for more videosgement marketing mana-sem 5(2018-19)~ For B.Com|| pondicherry University||Question paper # Port Blair #pondicherry #portblair #pondicherryuniversity #portblair