Best Foods for Improving Thyroid Health

Best Foods for Improving Thyroid Health

also visit: These foods are otherwise healthy, but people with thyroid (especially hypothyroid) should have this food with caution because all of these foods contains goitrogens. Goitrogens are substances that disrupt the production of thyroid hormones. Any foods containing should be cooked well to kill goitrogens. 1. Peanut butter and peanuts can worsen hypothyroidism due to presence of goitrogens in them so people with hypothyroid/Hashimoto’s should avoid it. 2. Ragi is a wonderful millet being rich in iron, calcium & fibre but being a goitrogenic food it should be eaten rarely (just 2-3 times/month) after soaking & cooking it well. 3. Almonds are rich in selenium & magnesium- both of which are great for thyroid function. However, one must also note that almonds are a goitrogenic food. So people with hypothyroid can eat 3-5 almonds daily (which should either be soaked/roasted) but not more than that. 4. Goitrogens have also been discovered in soy-based food products, which cause thyroid gland irritation so soy products should best be avoided. 5. Wheat contains gluten. Gluten is a potential goitrogenic food. In the case of autoimmune hypothyroidism, reducing the consumption of wheat is suggested. Wanna know what foods are great for thyroid? ⬇️ Coriander, Coconut, Brazil nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Moong beans & many more.