FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025 - Podcast Archives
The Agony in the Garden There is no love without suffering—without the quiet, hidden pain of renunciation... Accept your suffering as He accepted His—not reluctantly, but as a hidden act of love. Your Gethsemane is not punishment; it is an invitation. Accept it. Love demands nothing less. The Scourging at the Pillar Let the obstacles, the pain, the blows themselves give you strength. God’s grace did not abandon Him as the lashes tore into His flesh; nor will it abandon you. Do not let pain defeat you; let it build you. If suffering surrounds you like a storm that batters your soul, trust Him. Accept it with peace, knowing you will pass through—not around—every trial, with grace that transforms pain into strength. The Crowning with Thorns Never forget your lowliness, your smallness, your nothingness. You are clay, mere dust—and yet, if the divine Gardener places His hand upon you, shaping you, using you, do not be surprised at the thorns. Do not complain if life humbles you. Accept the thorns patiently, knowing they unite you to the quiet, hidden greatness of Christ, crowned not by applause, but by sacrifice. The Carrying of the Cross Do everything for Love. Then nothing will seem small; even your smallest acts will become great. Carry your cross in this wa, Do not measure its weight, do not count your falls; count only the love you put into carrying it. Persevere, knowing each hidden step brings you closer to Him. The Crucifixion If you abandon prayer, at first you may survive on spiritual reserves, then you begin to lose clarity, until finally, your faith becomes lifeless… “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” Even at His most painful moment, Jesus spoke intimately to the Father. Let your soul remain anchored in prayer, especially in suffering. Even in moments of deepest pain, prayer will sustain you, just as it sustained Him.