The Dark side of Indian education system 1 | Full Video ๐ | #shorts
The Dark side of Indian education system 1 | Full Video ๐ | #shorts The indian education system hindi | Dark side of Indian education system | Untold story of Indian education system | Education System | "Exploring the hidden flaws and challenges weakening the foundation of the Indian education system." The Indian education system, often admired globally for its focus on academic excellence and its contribution to producing some of the brightest minds in the world, holds a significant place in shaping the future of millions of students. However, beneath this celebrated facade lie several deep-rooted flaws and systemic challenges that often go unnoticed. These issues are not only affecting the quality of education but also the overall development of the learners. From outdated curricula that fail to keep up with modern demands to a rote-learning approach that prioritizes memorization over critical thinking, the system struggles to adapt to the evolving needs of society. There is also an alarming disparity in access to quality education between urban and rural areas, perpetuating inequality and limiting opportunities for many. Additionally, the immense pressure of exams, lack of focus on extracurricular activities, and inadequate teacher training further weaken the foundation of this system. Corruption, infrastructural gaps, and commercialization have also crept into the system, prioritizing profits over education. As a result, the holistic growth of students often takes a backseat, leaving them ill-prepared for the real world. While the Indian education system boasts several achievements, it is imperative to address these hidden issues to ensure it truly serves its purpose of nurturing young minds and empowering the nation. #education #indianeducation #educationsystemassam #sadreality #shorts #educationalvideo #shortvideo #IndianEducationSystem #EducationReform #HiddenFlaws #SystemicChallenges #QualityEducation #RoteLearning #CriticalThinking #EducationalInequality #ExamPressure #TeacherTraining #UrbanRuralDivide #HolisticDevelopment #OutdatedCurriculum #EducationMatters #reformeducation