How To Apply Fertiliser To Your Lawn (BEGINNERS GUIDE)
In this video I am applying A1 Spring/Summer Fertiliser on my lawn. You can order yours here on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NnKUAQ (affiliate link). If you'd like to see all the products and tools I am using I have a free PDF download. You can grab it free of charge by joining my email newsletter here: https://lawnright.co.uk/diy/freebies/... Applying fertiliser to your lawn is straightforward to do. There's just a few things to take into account when doing it, so that you avoid burning your lawn. In this video I show you how much to use, and how to apply it to your own lawn. This video is part of a series. I actually purchased a load of lawn care products from Amazon, and documented the buying process. The idea being that I will buy them and use them on my own lawn and explain how you can do the same. The first video is called Lawn care shopping list The 2nd video is called setting up your knapsack sprayer The 3rd video is called how to apply lawn weedkiller to your lawn (this video) The 4th video is called how to apply seaweed to your lawn The 5th video is called how to apply fertiliser to your lawn The full playlist for these is here: • SHOPPING LIST All the above videos have been made with the idea of helping YOU improve your lawn. We do it together then I can help you through it. If you've enjoyed this video I'd love a thumbs up on the like button and a subscribe if you found it to be of value. Thanks! Shaun #howtoapplyfertilisertoyourlawn #lawnfertilisation #howtofeedyourlawn