Training Like a Bro
I will say that being sauced to the gills on androgens, chasing a pump feels good. Guess that's why everybody does it. Doing HIT on a regular basis is not fun and it does not feel good, but that's how you make the best gains. We're not chasing gains right now, though; we're literally chasing a pump, and I think we're getting one! -- Support us by buying a shirt or archive subscription: fizeekfridayshop.gumroad.com Find all of our social media accounts at: Linktr.ee/fizeekfriday Follow Billy on IG: @primarch_billy_ Follow Gage on IG: @NattyDutyHIT Give us a thumbs up / Leave a comment / Make sure you’re subscribed / BANG THAT BELL :- ) -- Heavy Duty Training Mike Mentzer High-Intensity Training HIT Training Low Volume Training Maximum Effort Muscle Growth Strength Training Bodybuilding Intensity Over Volume Pump Training Androgens Performance Enhancement Muscle Pump Hard Training Old School Bodybuilding Mentzer Method HIT vs Pump -- #HeavyDutyTraining #MikeMentzer #HITTraining #HighIntensityTraining #LowVolumeTraining #MuscleGrowth #StrengthTraining #Bodybuilding #IntensityOverVolume #PumpTraining #HardTraining #MentzerMethod #OldSchoolBodybuilding #TrainSmart #HardWorkNotLongWork #Androgens #PerformanceEnhancement