10 Min 🔥 1200 Steps 🔥 NO JUMPING CALORIE KILLER 🔥 At Home Cardio Workout to Burn Fat & Lose Weight
No Equipment. No Jumping. No Repeats. Low Impact. Beginner Friendly. Join me for this 10-minute, fat burning cardio workout to burn calories, lose fat, and add 1200 steps to your 10k steps per day goal! Have fun while you step to the beat. #nojumpingworkout #calorieburningworkout #10000steps Note: This workout gave me 1243 steps. The number of steps will vary from person to person depending on pace. 👉Workout Details: ⭐️Low Impact ️ ⭐️1200 Steps ️ ⭐️Burn Calories ️ ⭐️Lose Fat ️ ⭐️All Standing ️ ⭐️No Floor Work ️ ⭐️Beginner Friendly ️ ⭐️Apartment Friendly ⭐️No Equipment ⭐️No Repeats ⭐️Walking for Weight Loss 👉Remember to Warm-Up before your workout, and stretch after! Pre-Workout Warm-Up: • 5 Min Pre-Workout WARM-UP Routine | F... Post-Workout Flexibility Stretch: • 12 Min Cool Down & Stretch for Recove... 👉 Join the Enrich Your Life Fitness Glow-Up Club HERE: https://bit.ly/4iJMfBX 👉 Sign up for EYLF's FREE 30-Day Ab-Sculpt Challenge HERE: https://bit.ly/EYLF30DayAbs —----------------------------------------------- Buy Alicia a "coffee" to show appreciation for her FREE content (your support matters! Thank you!): https://buymeacoffee.com/enrichyourlife —----------------------------------------------- See Alicia's Amazon picks (fitness equipment, books, vitamins/supplements, beauty products, activewear, etc...) here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/enrichyou... I may offer affiliate links, which means I will receive a small commission on purchases made through the links I share. You will not be charged anything extra for using the links. It's just a small way to support my free content. I only provide links for products I support. Thank you! ~Alicia —----------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The exercises provided by Enrich Your Life Fitness are for educational and entertainment purposes only and are not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan. Exercise is not without its risks, and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are doing so at your own risk. To reduce the risk of injury, before beginning this or any exercise program, please consult a licensed healthcare provider for appropriate exercise prescription and safety precautions. If at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a physician.