8 Signs He Doesn't Want To Be Your Boyfriend | He Doesn't Want Me Back Signs | #relationshipgoals
8 Signs He doesn’t want to be your Boyfriend. He Doesn't Want Me Back Signs. 8 Signes Il ne veut pas être votre petit ami. Il ne veut pas que je retourne des signes. 8 señales de que no quiere ser tu novio. Él no quiere que le devuelva las señales 8 segni che non vuole essere il tuo ragazzo. Non mi vuole indietro i segni 1. He has no future plans with you. If this man isn’t interested in being in a relationship with you, you will notice that if and when he speaks about future plans, you aren’t included in them. That’s because he genuinely doesn’t see you with him in the future, and his subconscious might be telling you that, without him even realizing that he is saying everything with such a single outlook. When you ask about the future, he will try to change the subject. He might even tell you about his future plans but never ask you about yours. They probably won’t include you in their plans for the next week, never mind the next few months. This is a sure sign that this man does not want to be with you and he is only thinking of himself. 2. He does not maintain regular communication. When someone doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, communicating with you isn’t their biggest priority, so they won’t dedicate a lot of time to it. It’s probably pretty obvious that someone doesn’t want you if they don’t speak to you. However, it can be even worse if sometimes he gives you his full attention and showers you with affection but then ignores you for a week. What he’s trying to do is keep you around, in case he wants to see you or talk to you. 3. He doesn’t introduce you to his family and friends. Watch this video till the end to know the 8 Signs He doesn’t want to be your Boyfriend. If You Found this information helpful. Please Subscribe to our Channel for more Such videos. Thanks.