drink coffee with lemon in the morning and lose belly fat in 1 week✌️  Strongest weight loss drink

drink coffee with lemon in the morning and lose belly fat in 1 week✌️ Strongest weight loss drink

Strongest Belly Fat Burner - Weight Loss Drink | Fat Burning Drink | Lose Inches Fast | Coffee and Lemon For Weight Loss | Inch Loss Drink Welcome to my channel Natural Poonam🤗 In today's video I am going to share best weight loss drink . In this video I am sharing two recipes. you can use any of these . It will enhances the metabolism process, which helps to burn fat accumulated in the body, and then lose weight, provided that it is taken in light of a healthy low-calorie diet and exercise. #lemoncoffee #weightlossdrink #strongestfatburner #bellyfatburner #coffeelemonweightloss #weightlossrecipes #naturalpoonam Ingredients used in the video Recipe #1: 1. Lemon peel 2. cinnamon stick 3. coffee Recipe #2: 1. Coffee 2. lemon juice 3. Honey Benefits of Key Ingredient: Coffee contains nutrients such as niacin, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants — which can improve digestive health, support muscle function, and lead to better heart health. It also contains caffeine, which boosts metabolism, improves energy, and can promote weight loss. other benefits of lemon coffee: -Maintaining hormonal balance in the body. -Heart disease prevention -Enhancing the stomach’s ability to digest fats after eating fatty meals, without causing constipation, bloating and gas. Some frequently asked questions: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. How many times /cups you can have in a day? 2-3 cups a day. 2. Can I use any other brand of coffee ? You may use any coffee brand. 3. Can PCOS patients drink this? 2 or more cups of caffeine are generally restricted but 1 cup a day is still fine if you are used to drinking coffee/tea/ caffeine in general. 5. Can breastfeeding/ nursing mothers take my coffee lemon drink? 1 cup a day is fine but not on an empty stomach. 6. Can you take this during the fasting window of intermittent fasting? Yes, you can 😊 Lots of Love 🤗 Natural Poonam Chapters are as follows: 00:00 Introduction 00:13 First recipe 00:42 Step one: extract lemon juice 01:30 Add cinnamon 01:47 Add 1 tablespoon of coffee 02:02 Add two cups of water 03:14 The second step 03:49 Drink 1 cup in the morning before breakfast. 04:27 Second recipe 04:53 Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 05:38 Add hot water 06:35 Drink 1 cup in the morning before breakfast. 07:16 You will lose 7 kg in 7 days without dieting Natural Poonam,how to get rid of belly fat,how to lose belly fat,weight loss,how to lose tummy fat,how to lose weight,7 days weight loss challenge,how to get a flat stomach,weight loss tips,weight loss drink,lemon and coffee weight loss drink,lemon coffee,weight loss tips tiktok,weight loss recipes,weight loss journey,how to lose weight fast,weight loss motivation,7 day weight loss challenge,how to lose belly fat fast,weight loss transformation,how to lose belly fat naturally,lose weight fast,lose weight,lose belly fat