🌋🌋Jackpot Stock For Tomorrow🔥🔥 || Affle (India ) Ltd.#shorts #trading
🌋🌋Jackpot Stock For Tomorrow🔥🔥 || Affle (India ) Ltd. According to Elliot waves analysis Affle India share has the potential upside around 10 to 15% in a very short term time frame. There is a clear breakout of a strong consolidation zone and retest this particular level succefully. Also data of Affle India represents, there is a heavy buying presure with high volume of more than 13 lakhs. 🙏 नमस्कार दोस्तों 🙏 Welcome to our family 🙏🙏 My name is Himansu (CMT ,CFA ) , certified equity research analyst. This channel is only for sharemarket educational videos. 1. इस channel me आप को sharemarket का सभी updates तुरंत मिलेगा. 2. हर दिन 2 से 3 educational videos upload किया जाता हे. 3. Index overview के साथ साथ stocks ka overview बताया जाता है. 4. Market का सारा ka सारा news or stocks in news immidiately बताया जाता हे . 5. Free मे beginners को training provide किया जाता हे. 6. Evening को सभी subscribers का सबाल का जवाब दिया जाता हे. 7. Global market का updates or economy condition ke बारे मे regularly inform किया जाता हे. Disclaimer: I am not sebi registered investment advisor, all the videos are educational purpose only. Thanks for visit our channel 🙏🙏🙏 #shorts #trading #stockmarket #swainsecurities #investing #viralvideo