✋🏻 जानिए 😵 प्रेगनेंसी में तरबूज खा सकते है या नहीं ll Watermelon in pregnancy safe or not?

✋🏻 जानिए 😵 प्रेगनेंसी में तरबूज खा सकते है या नहीं ll Watermelon in pregnancy safe or not?

Are you wondering if it's safe to eat watermelon during pregnancy? As a pregnant woman, it's important to make sure you're consuming foods that are not only delicious but also safe for your baby. In this video, we'll explore the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy, whether it's safe to eat the fruit or drink its juice, and some precautions to keep in mind. Our expert advice will help you make informed decisions about your diet during this crucial time. Watch now to learn more! #pregnancy #watermelon #healthypregnancy #pregnancydiet #pregnancytips #healthyeating #pregnancyfood #prenatalnutrition #prenatalhealth #pregnancyquestions #pregnancyadvice #babyhealth #healthylifestyle ------youtube channels------ 🔆Personal Channel👉 https://bit.ly/2ZV6shs 🔆Baby/Kids Care👉 https://bit.ly/3aAYltb 🔆Pregnancy Care india👉 https://bit.ly/35VO77R 🔆Instagram👉   / deeksha_robin   🌟🌟VIDEOS LINK MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO🌟🌟 🌟🌟PRODUCTS LINK MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO🌟🌟 🔆Total Body Pregnancy Pillow https://amzn.to/2E098lW 🔆Maternity Bras https://amzn.to/3g17BJv 🔆Maternity Belt for pregnant moms https://amzn.to/3iCxocX 🔆Massage Oil https://amzn.to/30XVSrc 🔆Heel Pad Socks for Pain Relief https://amzn.to/2DIV7cM 🔆hot water bags https://amzn.to/33Zewkn 🔆Sleep Mask https://amzn.to/30UeckH 🔆Iron Folic Acid Supplement https://amzn.to/31U16Dh 🔆Stretch Marks Oil https://amzn.to/33UoDH4 🔆Dry Fruits https://amzn.to/340YDKe 🔆Green Tea Face Care for oily skin https://amzn.to/2DIuSmJ 🔆anti-itching cream https://amzn.to/2Q5c4Rf 🔆post maternity belly belt https://amzn.to/2GLgoUH 🔆footwear https://amzn.to/30WtNjL 🔆maternity clothes https://amzn.to/2E5VDB3 ❤️ My Skin Care ❤️ Makeup remover https://amzn.to/32glrUs Facewash https://amzn.to/2IcDVOo Face pack https://amzn.to/32mKi94 Face mask https://amzn.to/3k2QgSv Toner https://amzn.to/2U1XY4Y Serum https://amzn.to/38i4Pzn Day cream https://amzn.to/3eFPmKU Night cream https://amzn.to/32kAT1O Eye cream https://amzn.to/3mXR6BT Lip balm https://amzn.to/32jXJqh Sunscreen https://amzn.to/352Gk7h 📛My Personal Products to Create this Video📛 ▶️Camera https://amzn.to/37McweW ✅Mic 1 https://amzn.to/2NjruzC ▶️Mic 2 https://amzn.to/2V4fbLY ✅Tripod https://amzn.to/37Q4NwI Disclaimer वीडियो मे बताई गई जानकारी का उद्देश्य केवल आप को ज्ञान देना है। कोई भी काम खुद से ना करें और वीडियो में बताएं कि किसी भी चीज को अमल में करने से पहले एक बार अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह जरूर लें | इसके लिए चैनल जिम्मेदार नहीं होगा। Disclaimer All Content published in this video is only for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health and personal advice. Any confusion and any health problem consult your doctor. #pregnancycareinhindi❤️ #pregnancycareindia