How to make pencil case with waste cardboard/ DIY compass box/best out of waste /diy pen pencil case

How to make pencil case with waste cardboard/ DIY compass box/best out of waste /diy pen pencil case

#pencilbox #pencilcase #diycraft #desktoporganizer How to make pencil case for waste cardboard DIY compass box with cardboard , best out of waste , how to make pen pencil case , how to make organizer for craft material , pencil box out of waste cardboard, pencil box craft idea Requirements 1. Cardboard 2. color paper 3. Fevibond 4. Fevicol 5. Scissor If you like this video please like share and subscribe to my channel... Art & Craftvill@. Thank you. For more videos 🌞Festival craft    • Festival Craft Idea   🌞wall hanging craft    • Wall decoration   🌞artificial plants craft    • Artificial plants   🌞schoolhacks    • School hacks   🌞lantern DIY    • Lantern DIY   🌞flowers making craft    • Flowermaking/decoration   🌞paper crafts    • Paper craft   🌞greeting cards    • Greeting cards   #DIypenpencilbox #papercraft #penholder #pencilholder #pencraft #compassboxidea #cardsheetcraft #Cardboardcraft #putthareuse #wasteboxcraft #easycraftidea #simplecraftidea #creativecraftidea #DIypenpencilbox #papercraft #penholder #pencilholder #pencraft #compassboxidea #cardsheetcraft #Cardboardcraft #putthareuse #wasteboxcraft #easycraftidea #simplecraftidea #creativecraftidea